
1 When would you like to start building, renovating or equipping your indoor facility?

First steps

Enter the project data in the fields or check the options that apply to your project. After submitting the form, you will immediately receive an email with the detailed cost calculation of your project.

Still have questions? 

Find the answers at our FAQ.

In 2025
In 2026
In 2027
No specification
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2 What is the use case/application of your gym?

Weight room equipment

The utilization concept of the sports facility largely determines the choice of the appropriate weigth room equipment.

The equipment should always be tailored to the usage concept, the most common and important sports and the target groups and users.

Commercial fitness center / Municipal gym
High school / College weight room
Hotel / residential gym
Home gym
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3 What type of training should your gym be designed for?

Weight room design

The design of weight rooms can influence the literal perspective of student athletics and should be based on the utilization concept of the sports facility.

Modern equipment ensures safety and improves athletic performance. 

Functional fitness (CrossFit, kettlebells, etc.)
Sport-specific (football, baseball, basketball, soccer, etc.)
Group classes (aerobics, dance, yoga, martial arts, etc.)
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4 Please specify the size of the weight room (in square foot)

Size of the weight room

The size of the weightroom should be based on the utilization concept of the sports facility. Please enter the approximate size of the weight room in sf ft. 

Typical sizes:

Small Boutique: 1,500 sf – 2,500 sf

Mid-sized: 3,000 sf – 5,000 sf

Large/Commercial: 10,000+ sf

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5 Which surface should your weight room be equipped with?

Weight room floor selection

Different exercises will determine the flooring recommendation. Weight room flooring should be durable, shock-absorbent, and fit to the needs of your audience.

The design and layout of a weight room floor must reflect the specific activities it will support.

Heavy lifting areas require thicker, more durable flooring to withstand the impact, while areas designated for cardio or stretching might need softer, more flexible surfaces.

Vulcanized Rubber
Modular Sport Tiles
Pad & Pour Polyurethane
Sports Vinyl
Sports Linoleum
Artificial Turf
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6 How much of the required funding have you already secured for your sports facility project?

Fundraising for sports facility projects

Raising the money to pay for a new sports facility is a challenge. 

Here are some tips and grant programs we have found widely applicable to the development of a new sports facility:

Sports facility grants and funding

Up to $250,000
Up to $500,000
Up to $750,000
Over $750,000
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7 Compare quotes and save time

The sports venue calculator service

Save yourself time by finding all your costs in one place.

We bring you quotes from selected specialist planners, manufacturers and service providers. With Sports Venue Calculator, you can compare offers, choose potential partners and get your project underway.

Take advantage of our free service. Fast, simple and independent.

I would like to save time! I'd like to receive quotes from selected providers for comparison. I have read and accepted the Privacy Policy.
I prefer to do my own research. I don't want to use the quote service, and don't want to receive additional quotes.
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8 What stage of planning are you in?

Your individual cost estimate

After entering your data, we'll send you an e-mail with a detailed quote for everything you need.

Example: cost estimate sports lighting

Initial information gathering
Project planning has started
Examining financing options
Selecting suppliers
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9 Contact form

First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Organization / Institution
Your role in the organization
State / Province State
ZIP Code