
1 When would you like to start building, renovating or equipping your indoor facility?

First steps

Enter the project data in the fields or check the options that apply to your project. After submitting the form, you will immediately receive an email with the detailed cost calculation of your project.

Still have questions? 

Find the answers at our FAQ.

In 2025
In 2026
In 2027
No specification
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2 Which sports will use your sports center / gym?

Gymnasium use concept

Gymnasiums can be used for different sports, different competition levels or as multifunctional spaces. The gym floor or the gymnasium lighting should always be matched to the use concept and the most frequent or most important sports.

Different floors offer different advantages for specific sports. Each option varies in price, configuration and colors. Once those design features are met, the cost is determined by the area to be covered, the substructure and the top layer.

With so many choices, facility managers must maintain their focus on the use concept and not allow price or aesthetic concerns in isolation to affect the final decision.

Fitness / Aerobics
Multi-purpose use
Ice hockey
Horse arena
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3 Please specify the area of the gym floor

Playing field sizes indoor

In the following overview you will find the area dimensions of typical playing field sizes (in square foot):

  • Basketball (Professional): 110' x 60' - 6,600 sf
  • Basketball (High school): 94' x 60' - 5,640 sf
  • Volleyball (High school): 70' x 40' - 2,800 sf
  • Badminton (High school): 54' x 30' - 1,620 sf
  • Indoor Football/Futsal: 92'-138' x 62,5'-92' - 5,750 sf - 12,696 sf

All listed court dimensions include 10' of unobstructed space outside

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4 Which surface should your gym floor have?

Indoor sports flooring: Surface coverings

The use concept of the facility largely determines the appropriate floor. 

Surfaces built for multiple functions may not meet the precise needs of highly competitive players in one specific sport, but they offer the versatility to satisfy most players of most indoor sports in addition to the demands of non-sporting uses.

An overview of the different types of surfaces and their suitability for different sports can be found here:

Overview of Sports Flooring

Sports Vinyl
Pad & Pour Polyurethane
Sports Linoleum
Combination System
Vulcanized Rubber
Modular Multi-purpose Sport Tiles
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5 How much of the required funding have you already secured for your indoor sports facility project?

Fundraising for sports facility projects

Raising the money to pay for a new sports facility is a challenge. 

Here are some tips and grant programs we have found widely applicable to the development of a new sports facility:

Sports facility grants and funding

Up to $50,000
Up to $150,000
Up to $250,000
Over $250,000
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6 Compare quotes and save time

The sports venue calculator service

Save yourself time by finding all your costs in one place.

We bring you quotes from selected specialist planners, manufacturers and service providers. With Sports Venue Calculator, you can compare offers, choose potential partners and get your project underway.

Take advantage of our free service. Fast, simple and independent.

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7 What stage of planning are you at?

Your individual cost estimate

After entering your data, we'll send you an e-mail with a detailed quote for everything you need.

Example: cost estimate sports lighting

Initial information gathering
Project planning has started
Examining financing options
Selecting suppliers
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8 Contact form

First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Organization / Institution
Your role in the organization
State / Province State
ZIP Code